martedì 2 maggio 2023

Redd it!

As anyone can see, I haven't been really active here on the blog in these last few years, but if you wish to stay updated and follow my more recent efforts, there is a place for that.


Colors by Gea Ferraris


[18+] Sugarpop on

Hey, everyone!

Long time, no see... So just a quick update.

This is from "SugarPop" (+18), a project I've been working on for with Gea Ferraris (colors).

The story follows a young sugarbabe/camgirl with a taste for crazy fashion as she takes the adult entertainment scene by storm 💪💃🎥

Episode #5 just got out, for now it's in French only, but it will be available in English too further ahead. Also, probably early next year, the printed album through La Musardine. Stay tuned for updates and news!

giovedì 29 luglio 2021

[18+] Les Nuits De Luna T1

This one was long in the making! Written by Valérie and me, drawn by me and coloured by Valérie with Diana Cammarano, "The Nights Of Luna" #1 is finally out!

We worked on this album with the idea of developing a plausible story built around real people in a real world, just doing dumb stuff on social networks... until it spills over into their everyday lives to cause all kinds of mess. The story follows a young Italian girl, Luna, whose erotic fantasies grow bigger and bigger in contrast to her relatively uneventful and flat-lined existence. Desperate to vent out her awaken sexuality without real risks, she starts posting faceless nude selfies on an adult website. But, she does it extremely carelessly...

The dual nature of this story, built between Luna's out of proportion fantasies on one side and reality on the other, allowed us to work at the same time on massive, surreal scenes while remaining anchored to ordinary life of a modern day Rome. This was probably the most interesting aspect of the whole experience from the graphic standpoint, but also narratively, as we tried to blend Luna's rampant imagination with her everyday surroundings into one fluid "universe".

"The Nights Of Luna" was published by Dynamite/La Musardine and we collaborated closely with the editor Nicolas Cartelet who deserves a good chunk of credit for this album being as it is in its final version. 

It can be acquired in French (hardcover printed version or Kindle) and English (Kindle).

venerdì 27 novembre 2020

Updates 11/20

It's been quite a while since my last post, so - fortunately! - a lot of new stuff to talk about. 

I spent a better part of these last two years working on "Histoire de France en bande dessinée", a series of hardcover volumes published by Hachette in collaboration with Le Monde, for which I drew two full albums and a number of covers. I entered this project through Makma Studio and enjoyed a lot working with them, so big big cheers to Mathieu Auverdan, Edmond Turriol and the rest of the gang. 

My first album for this series was about the tragic figure of Louis XV, often overshadowed by both his predecessor (Roi Soleil, Louis XIV) and successor (Louis XVI, mostly famous for ending his days under the guillotine), but as it turns out "the fifteen" was quite a fascinating character himself, very dark and burdened king with some brilliant intuitions but also several absurd decisions bordering on political suicide. 

The second volume I illustrated deals with industrial revolutions in France, so a lot of crazy mechanisms and machines, Jules Verne and an overall steam-punkish atmosphere to it, I really liked working on that one and would love to go back to this Vernesque airs sometime soon. 

Also, I did the cover pencil for "Le Mystère des 3 Ave" (Signe) and, finally, 2021. should see the release of the first album from "Les Nuits de Luna", an erotic series I've been working on with the writer & colorist Valérie.

lunedì 15 aprile 2019

Histoires Incroyables des 24h du Le Mans

31st May of this year will see the release of "Histoires Incroyables des 24h du Le Mans" containing three pages drawn by me and written by Daniel Pecquer & Emmanuel Marie for Petit à Petit in France. This is my second collaboration with Emmanuel and third overall with Petit à Petit, this time dealing with the famous Le Mans car race and its' origins. I thoroughly enjoyed recreating some of the earliest models of racing cars and the early 1900s atmosphere in general, so hopefully it's gonna be a nice read, plus there should be a bunch of good young artist involved too... 

For more info:

domenica 4 novembre 2018

Davvero #7

In questi giorni, in occasione di Lucca Comics & Games, è stato presentato il settimo e conclusivo numero di "Davvero" di Paola Barbato, pubblicato da Arcadia. Aver finalmente portato al termine il lungo viaggio di Martina Ferrari, e farlo a una quarantina di mani (con praticamente tutto lo staff originale della serie) è stato un immenso piacere, sia professionale che personale.

copertina di Andrea Meloni

Anni fa, "Davvero" è stato (prima online e poi nelle versioni cartacee di Star Comics e Arcadia) un salto nel vuoto non solo per Martina ma anche per una marea di noi disegnatori esordienti (spesso flettendo i muscoli con la stessa grazia ortolaniana). Perciò lasciare la storia sospesa senza un finale è sempre stato un macigno nella scarpa. Vedere la serie concludersi è veramente una soddisfazione bella grossa.

Per seguire in tempo reale le notizie riguardanti l'argomento non c'è posto migliore della pagina Facebook di Paola Barbato.

una delle mie pagine per il numero 7 di "Davvero" realizzata ormai ben due anni fa

sabato 3 novembre 2018

Il Paese Sera

Dal 29 Ottobre in edicola il primo numero de Il Paese Sera, con all'interno le mie illustrazioni.

venerdì 2 febbraio 2018